MMA: Myth vs Reality

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is unregulated and uncontrolled.
Mixed Martial Arts is one of the most regulated and controlled sports in the world. With imposed time limits, set numbers of rounds, mandatory judges, five weight classes and over 31 other rules governing how the bouts are fought, organizations strive for the highest safety standards. The UFC®, the biggest of the organizations, only holds bouts in states where the sport is regulated . MMA is recognized by the world’s most prestigious sports regulatory bodies including the California, Florida, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania State Athletic Commissions.
MMA is dangerous and its fighters are put at a serious risk of injury each time they enter the Octagon.
MMA fighters are given more care and precaution than athletes in any other sports organization in the world. With supervised fights, pre and post-fight MRIs, four ringside doctors and two ambulances in case of emergency at each event and mandatory steroid testing – these organizations reach the highest levels of safety and quality in all aspects of the sport. Safer than boxing, no organization fighter has ever suffered a serious injury or death.
MMA is a steel cage death match.
MMA is an intense, strategic sport that demands world class athleticism from its fighters. The athletes use interdisciplinary forms of fighting that include jiu-jitsu, judo, karate, boxing, kickboxing, wrestling and others to their strategic and tactical advantage in supervised matches.
Mixed martial artists are nothing more than street fighters.
Mixed martial artists are some of the best athletes in the world. Before taking up MMA many of the athletes were college All-American’s and Olympic champions. To stay competitive, all of the athletes are trained in a variety of martial arts disciplines including judo, wrestling, boxing, karate and jujitsu. UFC®, the biggest MMA organization, boasts that a significant majority of their fighters have college degrees.
MMA has only one rule, prohibiting eye gouging.
MMA is governed under the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts which were created by the most prestigious state sports regulating bodies in the United States. In addition to the five weight classes, the imposed time limits, and set number of rounds, there are 31 other rules that govern how the sport is played. In fact, most of the rules are derived from the rules governing Olympic wrestling, boxing and martial arts.
MMA is much more harmful than other fighting sports like boxing.
MMA is much safer than boxing. Since its inception in the United States there have been no serious injuries or deaths in any of the major, sanctioned MMA organizations. Unlike boxing, in which fighters sustain repeated blows to the head for up to 15 rounds, MMA bouts last only 3-5 rounds and much of the fighting takes place on the mat as wrestling or grappling. In addition, unlike boxing gloves, MMA gloves are not weighted.
MMA is a fringe sport that appeals only to young men.
In the past five years, MMA has seen a meteoric rise in interest from nearly every age and demographic, adding to its cache as a mainstream sport. UFC® nearly always sells out arenas where their events are held, and regularly breaks gate records across the country. Additionally, UFC®’s reality show, the Ultimate Fighter™ often beats the ratings of NBA and baseball playoffs. Mainstream sponsors and partners are eager to form relationships with MMA, including Viacom, Showtime, Harley-Davidson, Bud Light, the U.S. Army and all the major cable companies.